Restoring the Integrity of the Church by:
Exposing Spiritual and Sexual Abuse in Chi Alpha
The Assemblies of God is currently grappling with the largest sexual abuse scandal in its history revolving around its college missions ministry, Chi Alpha. Campus pastors and leaders have trafficked students and minors to Daniel Savala, their spiritual mentor and registered sex offender, for years.
Time To Tell Your Story.
Dear former Chi Alpha leaders, University students, and Assembly of God church members, this forum is for you. We are a platform to tell your story of spiritual or sexual abuse from Daniel Savala and other Chi Alpha leaders.
The purpose of this community is to Expose the System, Seek Justice, and Revive Lives.
Please Read the Forum Rules, Biblical Support, and Abuse of Faith sections.
What People Are Saying
“I am eternally grateful! God will not forget your service in ministering Truth to the public, your insistence on upending every rung in the XA/AG monster that it has become, and giving voice to the plethora of stories so that they get to see the light of day and can no longer be denied.”
— Forum User
“This website has been stomach-turning, therapeutic, healing, devastating, connecting, and absolutely necessary. I tracked down former students, friends, and past small group members to make sure they were okay. It’s been heartbreaking, but we keep coming back to read. It’s so worth it.
— Youth Pastor
“I’ve not seen something like this before but prayed for it for years. The calling you had to start the process of healing is already working. You all have created and cultivated this space and it feels like we are on the verge of change, deep-rooted change, reformation type change.”
— Forum User
21st Century Reformation
In the spirit of Martin Luther's bold challenge to the oppressive ideology of the Catholic Church in 1517, XA and the Lion’s Den now present "95 Questions" to the leadership of the Assemblies of God and Chi Alpha. These questions address the longstanding spiritual and sexual abuse scandal surrounding their most influential mentor, Daniel Savala, spanning three decades.
Get your copy of "The 95 Questions" PDF and share it with your pastor, college students, and community members. Please join us in expressing support for the survivors through our forum.
Injustice can’t stay hidden.
God reveals the secret intent of the heart. Everything hidden will be revealed, every secret thing brought to light. The message to those who hurt you is: You can’t get away with sin forever.
God is jealous, and the Lord avenges. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of a rightfully angry God.
The Lord is slow to anger but not blind to wrong. The goodness of God leads to repentance, but trying to trade on that goodness is not a good idea. Be encouraged; justice is coming!
Donate Today
Your Voice Will Be Heard
Thank you for considering donating to support the efforts in providing a place for survivors to share their stories of spiritual and sexual abuse at the hands of Chi Alpha ministries (XA) and the Assemblies of God.
The response has been overwhelming, and therefore so have the costs. Your contribution will help us cover the website's forum costs and operational fees. But, most importantly, it will help us create a safe and empowering space for survivors to come forward and seek healing and justice. Everyone deserves to have their voice heard!